Golfers Elbow


Physiotherapy works wonders, however - for it to be effective, it needs to happen on a regular basis, especially in golfers that are active on the course.

​One way to prevent injuries from occurring in the first place is to make sure your body is moving well. In a pre-season golf assessment, the physiotherapist will look at the golfer’s overall functional mobility and strength for the actions they need in order to play. They will then create an individualized, golf specific strength and conditioning program, for optimal performance.

​Despite golf being a non-impact sport, it can be quite strenuous. The explosive nature of the golf swing can yield several different injuries. As most golfers – both casual and professional - are likely to experience golf injuries of some sort, regular physiotherapy is essential not only as a post-injury treatment but for injury prevention, as well.

What Is Golfers Elbow?

​(Medial Epicondylitis) or “Golfers Elbow” similar to Tennis elbow is pain and inflammation caused by tendons that connect the forearm to the elbow. The pain focuses on the bony bump inside the elbow radiating pain to the forearm. Generally, repetitive flexing, gripping, or swinging can cause pulls and tears in the tendons. Thus creating inflammation to the elbow, wrist and forearm. You may feel a slight stiffness in the elbow or wrist if that sounds like you Mainway Physiotherapy can help you by offering an overall assessment of your body, motion, and swing practices. We offer all kinds of information on proper swing techniques, stretching routines to help aid in proper positions, and warm-ups to make golfing injuries few and far between.

​What Are the Most Common Causes of Golfing Injury?

• Poor swing mechanics
• Overplaying/practice
• Previous injury
• Incorrect setup/poor posture
• Poor warm-up or no warm-up routine
• Excessive rotational stresses placed to the body

​It is not unusual for golfers to hurt themselves even before stepping onto the course; this usually happens by lifting the power caddy out of the car or from carrying the bag. Amateur golfers typically suffer injuries due to poor swing patterns or aggravation of a pre-existing injury.

What Are the Most Common Injuries in Golf?

Statistically speaking, the following are the most common injuries golfers suffer:
• Elbow pain
• Low back pain (accounts for over 30% of all golf-related injuries)
• Shoulder and rotator cuff injuries
• Knee pain
• Wrist injuries
• Foot and ankle injuries


What do I need to know about Golfer’s Elbow?

Golfer’s elbow is very similar to Tennis elbow, as it is essentially the same condition just on the other epicondyle or other side of the elbow. However, golfer’s elbow has a much lower incidence rate than Tennis elbow. Golfer’s elbow can affect anyone, with no specific population, in particular, and no, not only golfers get this! Golfer’s elbow is more commonly found in athletes who throw at high velocities creating a dynamic force at the elbow; therefore the term is commonly synonymous with “pitcher’s elbow.” Research also suggests that smokers and type 2 diabetics are also at a greater risk for developing tendinopathies. 

 What can I do for Golfer’s Elbow at Mainway Physiotherapy?

When you visit Mainway Physiotherapy, a Physiotherapist will perform a full physical and functional assessment to identify the root cause of the problem or condition creating pain at the elbow. From here, you and your Physiotherapist will create a treatment plan together that will typically include patient education on the condition, pain management techniques, manual therapy, and specific regular exercise in order to achieve optimal rehabilitation and get you back doing the things you love. Every patient presents very differently, therefore, your treatment plans will always be individualized and will address all of your goals. 


Are you suffering from Golfers Elbow?

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